"Musica Inspirata” (Inspired Music) is the name of this site and of a workshop dedicated to the hand making of wind instruments and in particular of bagpipes.
Even before the notes resound, music becomes alive through our breath, it acquires a rhythm which is sweetly perceived.
Through inspiration the air flows in our lungs and the bagpipe gathers in its bag the power to give life to harmony.
Besides, “Musica Inspirata” would like to open new horizons and inspire new meanings but this is a wish we hope will come true for what we do and for those who passionately devote themselves to music.


It was in the year 2000 when for the first time, while I was listening to a recording of early music, I was struck by the sound of a bagpipe. Before the end of the following year, I succeeded in finding a good maker, I asked him to make an instrument for me and I began to play it,…that is “to play” it as I could. Those who have some knowledge of these instruments can understand what I mean. Each bagpiper has a unique personal way to play the instrument, but the people who begin to play it have the same style, which can be easily recognised. It was the same for me. Luckily, through the years I have met many good musicians and now I have been playing these instruments for some years, also professionally.

I think I became interested in bagpipe making the same day when I had my first bagpipe in my hands. It is strange how these instruments grow fond of people who have a natural bent for craftsmanship. I think it happened the same to me, since some months later I had the chance to work as an apprentice in the workshop of a maker of French bagpipes. I will be always thankful to my good Master. I had the opportunity to shape different natural materials, to learn the characteristics of various wood essences, to use a great variety of tools and, what is most, I became aware that I would devoted myself to that job for many years to come.

Since then I have visited many bagpipe workshops, I have attended some courses about artistic woodturning and I have also travelled around Italy,  Germany, France and England to listen to the instruments of those countries, capture their harmonious sounds and become acquainted with the skills of many bagpipe makers. In 2006 I began to equip my personal workshop and now, after having acquired some experience, I have thought to collect in the following pages what I have been doing.